Available Positions

The Town of Peru has an opening for Health Officer. This is currently a volunteer position and requires State certification. Please contact Stephanie at (207)562-2150 for details. We are seeking volunteers for the following committees: Recreation Committee, Ordinance Committee, Cemetery Committee. These are volunteer positions.

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2023 Spirit of America Award

After a moment of silence for Angel Clifford at last night's Selectboard meeting, Dave & Brenda Gammon of the Gammon Family Farm were presented with this year's Spirit of America Award. In acknowledgement of their never-ending support of our community, the following was read:  M U N I C I P A L   R E S O L U T I O N The 2023 Peru, Maine, Spirit of America Foundation Tribute honors the Gammon Family Farm for commendable community service. Be It Resolved by the Selectmen of the Town of Peru as follows: Whereas, the Gammon Family Farm sponsors bottle drives by placing its large…

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Peru ATV Club Meetings

Beginning April 12, 2023, the Peru ATV Club will meet the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Peru Fire Station (3 Main Street, Peru). You do not need to be a member of the ATV Club or a resident of Peru to attend these meetings.

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Fire – Peru Town Garage

During the early-morning hours of January 27, 2023, the Peru Town Garage burned to the ground with all contents destroyed, including all the town's trucks. The cause of the fire remains as yet undetermined; State of Maine Fire Marshalls visited the scene this morning. We appreciate the outpouring of support and offers of assistance from other communities. ~ Town of Peru Selectboard

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News from the LEA, Lakes Environmental Association

Hi folks!  The most recent LEA eNewsletter included the following information about an important Maine legislative update. An Act to Fund the Lake Restoration and Protection Fund (LD 164) This important bill is coming to a public hearing on Monday, January 30th at 9:00 am and will allocate $9 million to the Lake Restoration and Protection Fund at the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Funds will support projects that improve or maintain the quality of lake waters in Maine. This funding will help mitigate algae blooms and other water quality issues facing our lakes. Healthy lakes and ponds are essential to a thriving Maine economy but the cost of…

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Online Septic System Permit Search

The Augusta office holds HHE-200 (septic plan) records from July 1974 to present. To look up online septic system records with the State of Maine: Click on link: State of Maine Subsurface Water Unit  Click the orange “Get Started” button Begin your search by choosing Peru from the dropdown menu and the year that you would like to search The entire screen will fill up with all of the permits from the year(s) you choose. If uncertain timeframe, simply leave years empty and all of the permits for Peru will populate.

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Alzheimer Support

Alzheimer Support is a free service that assists Peru families who have loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Through their free search tool and database of Alzheimer’s care facilities, families in need of care for their loved ones can locate licensed care homes and communities in the Peru area that are best equipped to provide care for their loved ones.   You can visit their website at https://www.alzheimersupport.com/memory-care/maine/

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